Bainum Family Foundation names Raise DC as grantee and member of early childhood alliance


Raise DC is thrilled to be the recipient of a grant from Bainum Family Foundation to support early childhood initiatives in the District.

As one of 11 policy, advocacy, and service organizations receiving grants, Raise DC will be part of Bainum's newly launched Birth-to-Three Policy Alliance. The Alliance will focus on increased access to quality, comprehensive early childhood services and other supports for infants and toddlers and their families in DC. It will also ensure that health, education, early learning, and human services systems work in a coordinated way to improve outcomes for young children.  

With this support, Raise DC will hire a Senior Director for Early Childhood Initiatives (job posting forthcoming) to manage the strategy, implementation, and data collection and analysis around the Early Development Instrument (EDI). The EDI will serve as a platform for increased citywide focus on the needs of four-year-olds. Raise DC will also relaunch its Early Childhood Change Network and target the transition to pre-kindergarten through the creation of a working group.

For a full list of the organizations chosen to receive funding from the Bainum Family Foundation, see the press release announcement.