Raise DC Staff and Operations



Office of the State Superintendent of Education
Deputy Assistant Superintendent, OSSE's Division of Postsecondary and Career Education

As the Deputy Assistant Superintendent, Kilin Boardman-Schroyer directly oversees OSSE’s offices of Adult and Family Education; Career and Technical Education (CTE); GED Testing; and Alternative Education;  as well as the Education Licensure Commission and the newly created DC Re-Engagement Center.  In this role, one of Kilin’s primary responsibilities is to lead OSSE’s efforts to ensure that the District’s adult learners and academically at-risk/disengaged youth have access to quality educational opportunities and non-academic supports that will effectively connect them to career pathways regardless of where they start on the educational continuum.         

Prior to joining OSSE, Kilin served as Legislative Director to the Chairman of the DC Council’s Committee on Housing and Workforce Development, where he worked with advocates, issue experts, and stakeholders to provide oversight and craft legislation aimed at improving the District’s workforce development system.

In addition to his District Government experience, Kilin has held leadership positions within DC’s nonprofit sector where he spearheaded efforts to build the capacity of local community-based organizations to help them better meet the needs of District residents.